The engineering view of IoT

With your innovation and our industry-leading IoT accelerators, together we can reach your design goals faster.

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Designing faster, and lowering risk with Avnet

Focus on what your customers want by starting with Avnet's IoT accelerators. Get to market faster and stay ahead of the competition.

Your IoT products need to be secure, connected and differentiated. Discover how Avnet can help you achieve all three faster and more reliably without missing a thing.

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Even the smallest connected product needs an entire infrastructure behind it. IoT platforms provide that infrastructure. As an OEM, your expertise is in developing products that provide value to your customers. Adding connectivity, cloud services and advanced data analytics makes your product competitive but it shouldn't become your focus. A platform provides just that, a base for building bigger solutions.

Avnet's IoTConnect® is a suite of software solution accelerators, designed to integrate with the industry's two leading cloud platforms: Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services. Modern cloud platforms are achitectured around microservices. These are independent core functions, used to build applications that are reliable and scaleable. Your IoT product will access these microservices using APIs, or Application Programming Interfaces.

Working with Avnet and IoTConnect means you don't need to worry about developing, testing, deploying and maintaining these APIs – because we've done it for you.

Read more about microservices on:  Azure  |  AWS microservices

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Every question you want to ask has an answer. Start finding yours here.

What difference can Avnet make to my IoT project?

A successful IoT solution needs an entire industry. Avnet is at the heart of IoT.


How do I connect my device to the cloud through IoTConnect?

IoTConnect provides pre-developed functions designed for the industry's leading IoT cloud platforms.


What are Avnet software solution accelerators?

Software solution accelerators are industry-specific building blocks that add value to your IoT application.


What other IoT products does Avnet have to offer?

Avnet provides a full suite of hardware, software and middleware solutions for IoT applications.


How do I design an IoT product using Avnet solution accelerators?

Accelerators can provide over 70% of the functionality you need.


Where can I learn everything else?

Take a deeper dive into the APIs that enable IoTConnect.



Experience the difference working with Avnet can make

Get hands-on with IoT data

Using Avnet's IoT accelerators, you can start generating insights from data faster than ever. Use these insights to automate your workflow, or give your customes value-added information.

Design once, scale to many

Scalability is one of the key requirements of successful IoT deployments. The cloud is built for large scale deployment but you need to know how to manage scalability with security.

Work with the best

Whatever you are developing, working with Avnet can make it better. IoTConnect, the industry's only software solution accelerator suite, provides access and integration to technology from leading IoT suppliers.