Electronic Components Engineering Support

Your personal guide to the perfect design

You’ve got the vision and you know your market will love it, now it’s time to turn your idea into a product. Trying to determine the right way to design each function of your overall product can be daunting without the right help. Fortunately Avnet’s Field Application Engineering (FAE) team has the know-how and experience to guide you through every step.

Our team brings years of practical experience designing components into market specific applications. They come from an OEM background so they understand your environment and how to work with your team. Each FAE is factory trained and certified bringing the same knowledge of technology and development tools as their supplier counterparts.

Along with our team’s experience, you’ll appreciate the unbiased approach they take when recommending options for your design. They look at the overall system in the context of your goals and you team’s strengths when presenting the pros and cons of each technology option. Avnet’s FAEs are also well versed in industry standards, a wide range of protocols and regulatory requirements. They’ll tie everything together so you can make the most informed decision.

Electronic Components Engineering Support

Avnet FAEs have specific areas of specialization and collaborate with their peers to make sure you get a complete solution. During our design reviews you and your teams will appreciate the design tools, documentation and development equipment we offer across all technologies. We’ll show you how all of the functions you require can be integrated into a complete solution.

Avnet FAE Profile

  • Participates in annual factory training and certification programs
  • Averages 16 years of design experience
  • Holds an electrical engineering degree and, possibly, an advanced degree and even a patent
  • Supports your needs locally
  • Provides insight into technologies, end applications and vertical market segments

How can we help you?

  • Component and technology selections
  • Developing complex solutions with multiple technologies
  • Guide you from design to production
  • Perform demos of Avnet development boards and supplier product
  • Participate in training and events at local branches


Product Guide

AMD Xilinx Solutions Guide

Reduce development time and focus on your product’s features and capabilities. Find the right System-On-Module or Single-Board-Computer that’s best for you in our new solutions guide.

Zynq7000 SoC and Zynq Ultrascale MPSoC


Internet of Things

Avnet brings you every technology and service element you’ll need for success with IoT, so you can realize your vision and design a smart, connected solution with purpose.

person touching tablet computer with finger

New Product

MaaXBoard 8ULP Single Board Computer based on the NXP i.MX 8ULP

MaaXBoard 8ULP features the NXP i.MX 8ULP processor to achieve ultra-low power, EdgeLock® secured intelligent edge applications. Target apps include Edge-AI, ML, access control, asset monitoring, surveillance, smart home, industrial robotics.

New Product

The MaaXBoard Mini computer — for embedded, smart edge & IoT apps

A low-cost, production-ready NXP i.MX 8M Mini processor-based SBC featuring Arm® Cortex® cores providing audio, voice and video processing for applications from consumer home audio to industrial building automation. FCC, CE and RoHS certified.

MaaxBoard Mini TNN5339

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New Product

96Boards Click Mezzanine & Starter Kit

96Boards Low-Speed (LS) Mezzanine board provides two MikroElektronika MikroBUS sites. The Starter Kit bundles the mezzanine with three Click boards.